A great year so far

5 June 2023 Off By Val Tate

The Wolvercote Young People’s Club’s aims is to recognise young people and staff for their achievements. 2023 has started out well.

During last year’s summer holiday programme, senior club members took part in a photographic project sponsored by The North Wall Arts Centre under the guidance of artist Elina Medley. They worked in the studio and on the streets, developing their photography and image making skills. We’re proud that images taken by our young people were chosen for an outdoor exhibition Look a Little Closer in Broad Street, part of the Oxford Photo 2023 Festival. Yacob said, “This experience was wonderful and I have learned so much about how to use my camera.”

We’re equally pleased that the Club has been shortlisted in the ‘Together’ category for the BBC Radio Oxford Make a Difference Awards 2023. The citation read, “Wolvercote Young Peoples Club hosted the first ever Alternative Provision roadshow in the county bringing all providers together to help link and create change for some of the most vulnerable learners in Oxfordshire. The club took the lead in understanding that youth workers, teachers, social and SEN workers needed an opportunity to work together to make positive changes for young people. The club became a hub bringing together people willing to offer ways to access education for the hard to reach.”
Our Charity Manager, Roy Peach, has received a prestigious High Sheriff of Oxfordshire’s Award. The 2023 Awards celebrate those who have made an outstanding contribution to the communities in which they live and work, who have had a high impact on the lives of others over a sustained period of time, and who have been recognised by other people working in the area as inspirational and setting an example for others to follow.

But we’re not sitting back on our laurels. We recognise that young people face complex, hard to imagine challenges. We’re calling on the community to engage with us in finding innovative ways to help the Club deliver the most appropriate services. Watch out for news of opportunities to support the Club on the Wolvercote Facebook and website, and posters around the village.
Val Tate (Chair)