We are busier than ever!

5 June 2023 Off By Paul Buckley

The Wolvercote Neighbourhood Forum is moving from having one to having two Open General Meetings each year, to increase opportunities for members of the Forum – i.e. all local residents – to hear what is in the pipeline for our community and to have their say. At the time of writing, the next two are planned to be at 7.45pm on 7 June at Cutteslowe Community Centre, and 7.30pm on 7 November at Wolvercote Village Hall (our AGM). We encourage all FG readers to come along and join in.

In addition, we are pleased to move to offering two annual rounds of funding for community projects from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) money made available to us. We were delighted to receive thirteen applications in Round 3 for the April deadline. The next deadline for applications, for Round 4, will be 18 September. Applications can be made at any time, but decisions are made only following each deadline. Members of our Steering Committee will gladly provide advice to any community group thinking of applying: just email wo**********@gm***.com
There is a stream of large new building developments heading our way that will continue for at least the next ten years. The WNF Steering Committee keeps a close eye on them and we have already objected strongly to the City Council about some aspects. Most notable of course is ‘Oxford North’, but there are also large housing developments proposed for the eastern side of our patch, north of Cutteslowe and Sunnymead Park, and even a huge new football stadium. We encourage FG readers with views on any of these to advise us via the email address above, or tell us at the open meetings, so we can best represent the views of the community. For more see www.wolvercotenf.org.uk.