Wolvercote Neighbourhood Forum
25 March 2023Christopher Hardman has resigned from the Steering Committee due to illness from which he has now fortunately recovered. He had been on the committee since the Forum’s inaugural meeting in mid-2012 and Chair since August 2014. We are most grateful to him for his dedication and leadership.
Taking his place until our next AGM is Paul Buckley.
The second round of applications for CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) funding for community projects has now been completed. In this round six projects were successful for funding. A third round inviting new applications is in progress and the deadline for
submissions is 14th April. Negotiations concerning the Community Building at Wolvercote Mill are continuing between CALA Homes, the Forum and Wolvercote Village Hall which will become the new building’s freeholder. CALA are making alterations to the interior.
Meanwhile we have produced a questionnaire asking for ideas, and hope that as many of you as possible, particularly new residents, have been able to contribute.
Some of you will have attended one of the developer’s public events last December showing plans for the next phase of Oxford North. One recent planning application, the first of several on which we intend to comment in the near future, focused on the revised design of the ‘Red Hall’ building.
We commented on the original proposal and remain unconvinced by the revised design.
For more information, please see our website: wolvercotenf.org.uk