Children are our future

Children are our future

18 December 2023 Off By Val Tate

“I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier”

Moving words from Whitney Houston. As adults, we have a duty to equip the next generation to live their best lives. This is the Wolvercote Young People’s Club’s guiding principle. But just when growing numbers of young people are more anxious than ever, fearful of social contacts, worried about employment prospects and deeply concerned for the fate of the planet, there’s a real possibility that the Club will not survive.

The numbers of young people attending the Club have doubled in the past year. We made the finals of the BBC Make a Difference Awards. Over thirty youngsters received certificates of merit for services to the Club and community at our recent inaugural Awards Night.

But despite our success, we’re finding it nearly impossible to win grants. Rising levels of poverty across the country mean heightened competition for scarce resources. So, we are sinking rather than swimming. We need to raise £20,000 a year to pay our Oxfordshire County Council landlords, on top of which we have to maintain the 64-year-old building and grounds. That’s before paying our skilled youth workers, who are the Club’s lifeblood.

You can help us keep the doors open. Please consider making one-off or, ideally, monthly gift-aided donations through our website ( or by scanning the QR code. Together we will make a difference. Thank you.

In the image: WYPC Young Person of the Year, Sam Maher, receiving his certificate from Sally Scott, High Sheriff of Oxfordshire