Wolvercote Neighbourhood Forum, Latest News
25 November 2023Oxford North is well under way. Housing is appearing in ‘Canalside’, between the A40 and the canal. Tower cranes have arrived in the ‘Central’ site between A40 and A44, and large commercial buildings, destined to become places of employment, are taking shape. This will cause the biggest-ever change to the character of our locality.
However, many details are not yet decided. Each new building, and the open space between them, needs detailed planning permission from Oxford City Council before building starts, and each new application for that is accompanied by opportunity for public comment.
The WNF Steering Committee is alert to all new planning applications, and we send comments or objections, or speak at council meetings, when we see the need. In this we are guided by our Neighbourhood Plan approved at the referendum in 2021, and by what we know of the current views of residents. So, FG readers, please tell us what you think about this and other local developments. Contact us by email at wo**********@gm***.com, or phone at 01865 450215.
In October we were pleased to announce more good news for local groups. We approved eight bids totalling about £36,000 for community projects to be funded by the Community Infrastructure Levy. Applications can be made any time: the deadline for the next round of decisions is 15 April 2024.
For more see www.wolvercotenf.org.uk