5 Days of in tents fun

5 Days of in tents fun

2 September 2023 Off By Caroline Thurston

This July, 50 Guides and 12 leaders from North Oxford and Kidlington joined together for a 5-day summer camp in Hertfordshire. Guide Camp is the highlight of the ‘Guiding year’ for many leaders and Guides, and this year’s adventure did not disappoint.

Sunshine; rain; cooking on an industrial scale over an open fire; wide games; campfires; crafts; hot chocolate by torchlight; running through dew-soaked grass in wellies and pyjamas; midnight feasts; leaking tents; 5 days of uninterrupted screen-free time; building camp furniture and ‘gadgets’ using only string and wooden poles; singing; dancing; climbing; a trip to London; laughter (so much laughter): we did it all, and more.

Everybody pitches in with the work of simply living together, from cooking to cleaning, to gathering wood, filling water carriers, pitching and striking tents, boiling the kettle, tending the fire, washing up, tightening guy ropes and more.

Guide camp is a cherished opportunity for leaders and Guides to be together and connect in a way that isn’t possible in the time-constrained environment of weekly meetings. Together, in an empty field, you construct a village that becomes your world for five days, after which you pack it all away and leave without a trace, but for the memories of your time together. That’s a pretty special experience.

10th North Oxford Guides is looking for a new adult leader to join the team! We meet on Tuesday evenings in Wolvercote. If you’re interested, email Hannah at:


No Guiding experience necessary!