Fair Trade – Looking to the future

25 March 2023 Off By Phillipa Hardman

St Peter’s is a Fairtrade church. This means we have a commitment to use Fairtrade products wherever possible and to support Fairtrade Fortnight each year. This year, Fairtrade Fortnight (27 February – 12 March) focuses on a very simple message – choosing Fairtrade products can help to save our favourite foods.
Did you know that bananas, coffee, and cocoa are all at risk from the effects of climate change? Each year, it’s harder for farmers to grow crops and make a living.
But when we buy Fairtrade, we’re supporting sustainable farming to protect the future of the planet – and of some of the best-loved foods on our supermarket shelves.
We will be selling Fairtrade products at St Peter’s on Sunday 12 March after the 10am service, including Easter eggs, so do come and support the future of chocolate producers. You can find out more from the farmers themselves and from Fairtrade experts at free, online events – Big Fairtrade Get Togethers. Just go online at www.fairtrade.org.uk to join in.
The challenges of Covid and energy costs have affected Fairtrade businesses as well as others, and sadly the Traidcraft company, and the long-established Fair Trade shop at St Michael at the North Gate, are both to close. But many Fairtrade products can be bought in supermarkets or directly. Find out about the range of Fairtrade foods and other products available, and where to buy them, at www.fairtrade.org.uk/buying-fairtrade.
Our local Fair Traders, Susan and David Smith (david@sharetoo.co.uk), will continue to source fairly traded goods from different suppliers, and St Peter’s Fairtrade team will hold occasional Fairtrade stalls after the 10am service at St Peter’s, and at the Wolvercote Community Sunday Market, for special events (Fairtrade Fortnight, Wolvercote Midsummer Festival, Christmas). We look forward to seeing you!